Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wednesday La Porte - Deer Park Week!

I am having a hard time waiting for Friday.  I really want to see this game!

The all time series is 25-23-1 in favor of La Porte according to Jenny Dial of the Houston Chronicle.  If this is accurate this will be the 50th! year of the rivalry... wow!  She says she will have a full feature article on Friday about area rivalries and La Porte-Deer Park stories from the past.

I picked up this little nugget off the weekly chat from Jenny:

Jenny Dial: 
Right now, my pick for the Region III D2 champ (if Katy is D1) is La Porte. I have seen Cy Creek and Clear Springs and I think La Porte could come out on top in a game against either of those (close game) but La Porte is just so complete this year.

A long way to go before the Bulldogs get to this level, but they are getting major respect in the area now.

Last season's rivalry game ended in favor of the Bulldogs by a score of 7-2.  It was a defensive struggle on both sides with the difference being a 53 yard TD pass near the end of the 1st Quarter.

If Deer Park's defense can lock down La Porte's offense this year we could see a similar type of game.

A little over 50 hours until game-time!

1 comment:

  1. "The all time series is 25-23-1 in favor of La Porte"
    Thats what I thought; I remembered worrying last year that if dp won they'd have a chance to break the tie back on their home turf this year- but the 'Dogs defense was having none of it! I believe seeing that the vast majority of the dp wins came in the first 20 yrs of the rivalry, then LP took over the next 20 years, and then in the 90's in went back and forth, and it looks like this decade will be the same. And while the rivalry doesn't seem to have the violent edge that it used to have when I was growing up in the 90's (no severed deer heads being tossed, no one hanging bulldogs), we're always one bad referee call from returning to those times, so lets all behave ourselves, cheer hard, and everyone go home immediately- just make good decisions Friday night, boys and girls!
